President’s Message

Farrad Ali
The foundation and core of my Alpha understanding comes from the mission of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. It is the bedrock of my purpose in Alpha. In a way, I filter my leadership thoughts through the
mission to evaluate them and to put them into a better context. I believe that by having Xi Lambda be “Mission Focused,” there is no way in which we can lose as a chapter. We are doing what we are supposed to be doing.
Being “Mission Focused” builds on “We Are Building,” “Let’s Go To Work,” and “Let’s Make An Impact.” The messages from these three past Xi Lambda Presidents are part of the core of my Alpha constitution. My primary goal is to galvanize the Xi Lambda Brotherhood to rise up from the slumber that the pandemic imposed on us. We will forever take forward steps and find new ways to adapt to our environment and to
serve. We are Alphas! We are Xi Lambda!
We will find new and improved ways to provide service and advocacy for the communities for which we serve. We have been developing leaders since 1924 and I don’t see any changes to that any time soon. The bedrock of Xi Lambda culture promotes brotherhood and academic excellence. We will continue to support our brothers and encourage them to always seek higher goals.
Onward and Upward
We Are Mission Focused
Bro. Farrad Ali