This Week in ΞΛ

This Week in ΞΛCOVID-19 vaccinations, IMDP Training, March for Babies, Education Committee Request, General and Regional Convention Registration, all of the ways to pay chapter dues, Website redesign, resources to support Black Businesses and recognition of the March Birthdays,

IMDP Certification Training on March 20th at 12 PM CT. 

This training will provide certification through 12/31/21.  To register, please email [email protected].

Provide your name, email address, current chapter, Membership ID (not life member number).

Edutional Meeting And Request

Our Go-To-College mentees will be joining the mentees of Alpha kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. for a joint
virtual Career panel session Saturday, March  20th. If there Sorority Inc. for a joint virtual Career panel
session Satuday, March 20th. if there are any brothers in the following fields willing to participate in
our virtual career panel please contact me via email  [email protected] Or Cell (312)731-

Career Panel  Professionals Needed:

Medicine (traditional doctors as well as psychologists)

Law Enforcement (police officers as well as FBI or other federal agents)

Agriculture & Agricultural Sciences

Historians in Black History


Education (Teachers & Higher Ed Professors)

Government & Public Administration



                                                                  The zoom link for the meeting is here or see below for call in information.

                                                                                                          Meeting ID: 332 595 2665

                                                                                                               Passcode: 614835
                                                                                                     +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


Vincent Richardson
Director of Education



It’s time again to participate in March for Babies – a major fundraiser of the March of Dimes.  Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the March of Dimes have a partnership that goes back to the early 1980’s.  Alpha Phi Alpha’s mission is to develop leaders and promote brotherhood & academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities. 

Here is an opportunity to serve our community!  Alpha Phi Alpha has asked that all Brothers support the March of Dimes by helping them raise funds.  Once again Xi Lambda Chapter will do that by having a team at the Lakefront Walk on Sunday, April 25th.  The theme for this year is “A Mother of A Movement” and you guessed it – the march is virtual.

Use the following link to make a donation or to register for Xi Lambda’s team:

AWESOME!  We have surpassed our initial goal to raise $3,000 for the March of Dimes this year, but we need to continue to support if you have not done so already.  You can help by participating in the walk, by soliciting donations from family & friends, or by just making a donation.    

Additional information is provided at this site.   You can also contact Ron Kimble at [email protected] or 773/418-7298.  Thanks for helping us reach our goal and thanks for supporting the March of Dimes.


If you are using a voucher that has residency requirements (limited to the following ZIP codes: 60608, 
60619, 60620, 60624, 60644, 60649, 60651, 60652, and 60653), you MUST enter an accurate address 
when booking your appointment.The United Center is only accepting appointments for patients 18 years 
and older.


Visit AlphaMX to register for the


Checkout the new look of the chapter website …   

Happy Birthday to the ICE cold March Brothers!

PayPal isn’t the only way to pay your chapter dues. You can click here to access the payment plan form. Print the form, fill it out, scan it and return it to [email protected].

All checks for chapter dues will have to be mailed to the Treasurer (Bro. Mike Clark) or to our mailing address.

Check Payable to:       Xi Lambda Chapter

Treasurer’s Mailing address:
Michael Clark
1329 Jamie Ln.
Homewood, IL 60430

Our chapter mailing address is:
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Xi Lambda Chapter
P.O. Box 201361
Chicago, IL 60620

Get acquainted with Alpha MX, the Fraternity’s new member portal! You can pay your grand tax, locate other members and more. Click here to get started!

Latest copy of the Ledger can be found here.

Xi Lambda Initiation Dates*

Tuesday, March 1, 1983
Sunday, March 10, 1996
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Saturday, March 2, 2019

* Only includes those with members on current roster.

Upcoming events and meetings

CHANGE Illinois Press Conference @11 am 3/9
Education Committee Meeting @ 6:30pm 3/10

IMDP Training @Noon 3/20 

Membership Orientation @7PM 3/22